Friday, January 22, 2010

My Personal Process For Writing

As I reflect on my own personal composing process for academic papers or creative writing, my first thought is that I like to start in plenty of time. It drives me crazy if I am caught up in a time crunch to get finished. I like to sit down at my kitchen table, spread all my books and notes out around me, and turn my iPod on to some nice relaxing classical music. My next step is to brainstorm the subject matter and maybe even do some research on the web that's pertaining to the topic. It’s also helpful for me to have a paper and pen close by because I seem to do my best thinking when I’m actually scribbling or doodling on a pad. I also like to have a lot of potential ideas about a specific starting point for my paper before I actually begin the writing process. An outline also seems to help me organize my thoughts into what I actually want to say. The most difficult step for me always seems to be getting that first starting sentence on paper. Once I’m happy with my opening sentence, I begin to look for other pertinent information to back up or support this statement. Because, I’m such a perfectionist, it’s very unusual for me to complete a paper at the first sitting. I typically get started and then think about it 24-7 until I finally complete the project. Actually it’s very difficult to get it out of mind until I put the finishing touches on the paper. It’s a great feeling when I finally push my chair back and say: “Yahoo, that’s it, I’m finished!

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